Why should I get certified?

  • Show current or potential employers that you have completed specialized training to address the unique needs of students who are d/Deaf or hard of hearing (DHH).

  • Help raise the profile of the profession to encourage districts to hire trained, qualified professionals to work with learners who are DHH.



How do I get certified?

Step 1

You must already hold a general education teaching certificate in any province in Canada and then complete eligible coursework and practicum hours that specialize in teaching students who are d/Deaf or hard of hearing to be eligible for CAEDHH Certification.

Step 2

Complete the CAEDHH certification application form

Step 3

Wait while the Certification Chair committee review your application.

Step 4

Receive an email from the Certification Chair about the decision.

  • If you are approved, the Certification Chair will email you a copy of the certificate

  • If you are not approved, you will provided with feedback as to the reason and next steps

Review the CAEDHH Specialist Certification Standards (November, 2016) to see the criteria.